Business Roundup Week Ending May 10

Matt Mullenweg Suggests a Year of Iteration

  • Mullenweg, co-founder of WordPress, has publicly pondered the idea of a “Year of Iteration” for the WordPress project in 2025.
  • This comes amidst discussions about the rapid pace of innovation in WordPress, and the growing divide between the codebase and developers’ understanding of it.
  • WordPress is losing market share among the top 10k, 100k, and 1M websites, with job redundancies, flat lining revenue, and fewer developers joining the ecosystem.
  • A “Year of Iteration” could help WordPress become more approachable to users while reinforcing its strengths.
  • As an agency owner and WordPress educator, I think a year to allow developers and users to catch up could be a very good thing. And fixing the various “quirks” in the Block and Site Editors wouldn’t be so bad, either.
  • Documentation that is lagging behind could also be improved, making the project more accessible to experienced and new developers alike, especially those with less JavaScript knowledge.
  • A focus on UX and UI improvements could significantly enhance the user experience across the spectrum, from individual users to agencies and enterprises.
  • What about you? Do you think a year to catch our breath (and fix outstanding issues) would help or hurt the WordPress community?
  • Read this thoughtful article from James Giroux and see what think.

Google’s March 2024 Core Update: Key Insights for Web Agencies

  • As the SEO dust has settled a bit since Google’s March 2024 core update, experts are now able to offer analysis on its broad impact.
  • Websites with high-quality, relevant content experienced improved visibility, emphasizing Google’s long-standing preference for valuable information.
  • Sites offering thin content or engaging in keyword stuffing saw noticeable drops in rankings.
  • Local SEO specialists have noted fluctuating rankings in Google Business Profiles, making it crucial to continually optimize them for local search visibility.
  • Agencies should continue to prioritize mobile-first design, speed, and security to maintain a competitive advantage.
  • How do you need to adapt your strategies to the latest Google core update for better SEO outcomes?
  • As usual, Search Engine Land has an in-depth look at the changes (including charts and graphs) to help you understand it all.

2 Interesting WP Acquisitions This Week

  • StellarWP acquires LearnDash addons from WisdmLabs
    • StellarWP is Liquid Web‘s brand for premium WordPress solutions, of which LearnDash is a part.
    • WisdmLabs add-ons (like Reporting, Groups, and Ratings) have long been a favorite of LearnDash users.
    • “The plugins and add-ons that WisdmLabs brings will help us continue to innovate and provide valuable LMS solutions for educators using WordPress natively or LearnDash Cloud.” – Zach Tirrell, StellarWP General Manager
  • Convesio has aquired Growthmatik
    • Convesio is a high performance hosting provider for WooCommerce.
    • Growmatik offers cutting-edge marketing automation tools for WordPress and WooCommerce.
    • “Growmatik (is) not just an acquisition but a significant enhancement to our technology stack, enabling us to offer our clients a more robust, all-encompassing marketing solution.” – Tom Fanelli, CEO of Convesio

Worth a Look

  • WordPress 6.6 is on the way (July 16, 2024). The updated 6.6 Roadmap explains what we are expecting. Check it out.
  • Need assistance getting your clients to understand security? This Admin Bar post can help.
  • Historically, integrating Hubspot into your WordPress site has been a challenge. Try one of these three methods – which also work with the generous free Hubspot offering.

This article, Business Roundup Week Ending May 10, was published at Post Status — the community for WordPress professionals.

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