Business Roundup Week Ending December 29

How SMART Are Your Goals for 2024? Will You Actually Achieve Them?

  • This is the time of year when we naturally reflect on the big wins and hard lessons of the last 12 months, and consider the year to come.
  • The key to making 2024 great is setting SMART goals that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound.
  • SMART goals aren’t just aspirations – they are your roadmap to success.
  • Consider adopting the 12-Week Year Mindset: Instead of overwhelming yearly goals, break them down into manageable chunks of 1-3 SMART goals per quarter.
  • In my talk at WordCamp US 2022, I provide a clear strategy for setting and accomplishing SMART goals called “Taming the Whirlwind – Growing Your Business While You’re Busy.”
  • How could setting SMART Goals and Taming the Whirlwind transform your business next year?

WordPress Core Web Vitals See Notable 2023 Gains

Charting WordPress’ Path in 2024

  • WordPress will release major updates 6.5, 6.6, and 6.7, completing Phase 3 of the Gutenberg project. This enables real-time collaboration and refines workflows.
  • Optimization for voice search will be a priority to capitalize on the over 20% of searches conducted by voice. Multilingual plugins leveraging AI will also improve localization.
  • Dark mode will become a default option, improving design and user experience. This reduces the need for plugins, speeding up sites.
  • Security sees upgrades like mandatory two-factor authentication, automatic updates, enhanced monitoring tools, and blockchain integrations.
  • Headless WordPress gains traction thanks to greater flexibility and performance from decoupling the frontend. This approach appeals to developers.
  • AI integration likely starts small with tools like content enhancement generators. Bigger impact comes from AI chatbots to improve ecommerce.
  • As the backbone of over 40% of all websites, WordPress retains dominance in 2024 by answering user and industry needs through constant innovation.
  • Are you prepared to capitalize on WordPress’ 2024 roadmap to gain competitive advantages?

Worth a Look

This article, Business Roundup Week Ending December 29, was published at Post Status — the community for WordPress professionals.

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