WordPress Mobile Apps Get a New Support Forum

Support for the WordPress mobile apps is moving to the WordPress.org forums. Previously, users were routed to WordPress.com, even those who were self-hosted, and Automattic employees handled support tickets related to the mobile apps.

This move to WordPress.org is part of an effort to disentangle the official WordPress mobile apps from Automattic’s services. In July 2022, the Mobile Team announced it will be pulling all the Jetpack and WordPress.com features from the official WordPress mobile apps and moving them into the Jetpack app.

Although the mobile apps previously had forums on an older bbPress installation, they were rarely used as those in need of helped were piped through the WordPress.com support queue. The new mobile support forum is listed on the Support page and is already active with requests regarding app crashes, XML-RPC errors, and issues with core blocks.

Bringing mobile support to a public place has the advantage of allowing users to help each other, search through old threads, and look for answers in the same way they do for problems with themes or plugins. It standardizes the support experience so users know what to expect. The Meta trac ticket for the forum creation has been closed now that the initiative is complete and the forum is operational.

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